All was going fine and I wasn't getting mixed up in id clashing anymore. However, there was one drawback - my labels wouldn't work anymore. Code which previously looked like this:
<input id="simple" type="radio" dojoattachevent="onclick: simpleClicked"/>
<label for="simple">${statics.i18n.simple}</label>
no longer worked because it had changed to this:
<input dojoAttachPoint="simple" type="radio" dojoattachevent="onclick: simpleClicked"/>
<label for="simple">${statics.i18n.simple}
The label's for attribute expects to reference an id and not a dojoAttachPoint. Previously I was able to toggle the 'simple' checkbox input by clicking on the label. I always tend to click on labels instead of radio/checkboxes (mostly because they're bigger and easier to click), so I saw this move away from id-based inputs as a degradation in the usability of the web application.
So, I hacked together a piece of code which is invokable after every widget is set up and appended to the dom:
connectLabelsToInputs: function(query, widget) {
dojo.query(query, widget.domNode).forEach(function(item, index, array) {
if(widget[item.getAttributeNode("for").value] && (widget[item.getAttributeNode("for").value].type == "checkbox" || widget[item.getAttributeNode("for").value].type == "radio")) {
var attrs = widget[item.getAttributeNode("for").value].attributes;
for(var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
if(attrs[i].value.indexOf("onclick") != -1) {
dojo.addClass(item, "clickable");
dojo.connect(item, 'onclick', widget, dojo.trim(attrs[i].value.substring(attrs[i].value.indexOf(":") + 1, attrs[i].value.length)));
if(!dojo.hasClass(item, "clickable")) {
dojo.addClass(item, "clickable");
dojo.connect(item, "onclick", dojo.hitch(widget, function() {
widget[item.getAttributeNode("for").value].checked = widget[item.getAttributeNode("for").value].checked == false ? true : false;
}, widget);
This code makes the assumption that you have a class called 'clickable' which looks something like this:
.clickable {
cursor: pointer;
So, if I know that a widget I just created contains labels and checkboxes or radio buttons, all I need to do is invoke:
common.connectLabelsToInputs("fieldset ol li label", this);
and my labels are clickable again.