Saturday, January 9, 2010

Extension to dojo dnd Selector API

I've had the good fortune of using some dojo drag and drop in a recent project and have been very impressed with the flexibility offered by the APIs. The documentation and tests have been a real help for me in getting drag and drop functionality up and running quickly in my project.

After posting a quick question to the stackoverflow forums, I tried my hand at what Eugene suggested. Here's my attempt:



// summary: a mixin for the dojo.dnd.Selector class which adds functionality
// to shift the currently selected index backwards and forwards. One possible
// use for this mixin would be to allow a user select different dnd items using
// the right and left keys.

shift: function(offset, shiftKey) {
// summary: shifts the currently selected dnd item
// offset: int: the amount to bump the selection by.
// shiftKey: Boolean: whether or not this new selection happened when the user was holding
// down the shift key
var selectedNodes = this.getSelectedNodes();
if(selectedNodes && selectedNodes.length) {
// only delegate to _selectNode if at least one node is selected. If multiple nodes are selected
// assume that we go with the last selected node.
this._selectNode(this._getNodeId(selectedNodes[selectedNodes.length - 1].id, offset), shiftKey);

_selectNode: function(nodeId, shiftKey) {
// summary: selects a node based on nodeId
// nodeId: String: the id of the node to select
// shiftKey: Boolean: whether or not this new selection happened when the user was holding
// down the shift key
if(!shiftKey) {
// only clear the selection if the user was not holding down the shift key
this._addItemClass(dojo.byId(nodeId), "Selected");
this.selection[nodeId] = 1;

_getNodeId: function(nodeId, offset) {
// summary: selects a node based on nodeId
// nodeId: String: the id of the node to select
// offset: int: the number of nodes to shift the current selection by
var allNodes = this.getAllNodes(), newId = nodeId;
for(var i = 0, l = allNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
var node = allNodes[i];
if( == nodeId) {
// have a match ... make sure we're not at the start or the end of the dnd set
if(!((offset == -1 && i == 0) || (i == l - 1 && offset == 1))) {
// we should be fine to go with the id the user has requested.
newId = allNodes[i + offset].id;
// if we don't get a match, the newId defaults to the currently selected node
return newId;

One very simple use of this extension would be to add key handlers to dojo.doc to listen for right and left keys:

dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "onkeyup", dojo.hitch(this, function(evt) {
if(evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.RIGHT_ARROW) {
this.shift(1, evt.shiftKey);
if(evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.LEFT_ARROW) {
this.shift(-1, evt.shiftKey);

I'll give a shot at providing some tests for this extension in my next post.

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